put up with的用法与搭配
1. 容忍,忍受
2. 忍受,容忍
3. 忍耐
4. 犯而不校
- We put up with too many cables .
- 我们忍受了太多的线缆。
- Why put up with inflated holiday-season prices ?
- 为什么要忍受价格飞涨的假期商品价格呢?
- Is it plausible that people will put up with this indefinitely ?
- 我们能相信人们将会无限期忍受这种状况吗?
- The newly assertive middle class will no longer put up with this .
- 行事果断的新兴中产阶级再也不能忍受这一切。
- Until recently chinese employees would have put up with that .
- 直到现在,中国的员工一直都在忍受着这件事。
- One is to put up with lower wage growth than the rest .
- 其一是能容忍本国相对其他国家而言的较低工资增长。
- But show me another ceo that has to put up with so much outside tinkering and public pressure ?
- 但是,你告诉我还有哪位ceo必须容忍这么多外界强加的干涉以及公众压力?
- The others can put up with it if they like but I shall twist his tail pretty soon if he tries it on me .
- 虽然别人愿意的话尽可以容忍,可是如果它敢对我如此,我一定立刻扭断它的尾巴。
- They may grumble about the country 's human-rights record and the lack of democracy but they put up with mr hun sen for overseeing growth .
- 也许他们对该国的人权纪录和缺乏民主有所抱怨,但还是见洪森监督经济发展有功,对其报以容忍。
- Maybe something with the rabbits or the locals those poor gauchos who accept me and put up with me and never complain .
- 也许我该做些与野兔或当地人有关联的事,到接受我、容忍我、并且从不抱怨的可怜的加乌乔人那里去。